Bibliography of Andrzej Mostowski's works

[From Studia Logica XXXVI(1977) 1-2, pp. 3-8; edited by Wiktor Marek]

  1. Abzahlbare Boole'sche Korper und ihre Anwendungen auf die allgemeine Metamathematik, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXIX (1937), pp. 34-53.
  2. O niezaleznosci definicji skonczonosci w systemie logiki, Addendum to Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego, Vol. XI (1938), pp. 1-54.
  3. Uber gewisse universelle Relationen, Annales de la Societe Polonaise de Mathematique XVII (1938), pp. 117-118.
  4. Uber den Begriff der endlichen Menge, Sprawozdania Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego XXXI (1938), pp. 13-20.
  5. (+ A. Lindenbaum) Uber die Unabhangigkeit des Auswahlaxioms und einiger seiner Folgerungen, Sprawozdania Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego XXXI (1939), pp. 27-32.
  6. (+ A. Tarski) Boole'sche Ringe mit geordneter Basis, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXII (1939), pp. 69-86.
  7. Uber die Unabhangigkeit des Wohlordnungssatzes vom Ordnungsprinzip, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXII (1939), pp. 201-252.
  8. Bemerkungen zum Begriff der inhaltlichen Widerspruchsfreiheit, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (1939), pp. 113-114.
  9. Remarque sur une note de W. Sierpinski, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXIII (1945), pp. 7-8.
  10. Axiom of choice for finite sets, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXIII (1945), pp. 137-168.
  11. O zdaniach nierozstrzygalnych w sformalizowanych systemach matematyki, Kwartalnik Filozoficzny XVI (1946), pp. 223-277.
  12. Zarys teorii Galois (Outline of Galois theory), an appendix to Algebra wyzsza by W. Sierpinski (1946), pp. 371-428.
  13. On definable sets of positive integers, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXIV (1947), pp. 81-112.
  14. On absolute properties of relations, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (1947), pp. 33-42.
  15. On the principle of dependent choices, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXV (1948), pp. 127-130.
  16. Proofs of non-deducibility in intuitionistic functional calculus, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (1948), pp. 193-203.
  17. On a set of integers not definable by means of one quantifier predicates, Annales de la Societe Polonaise de Mathematique XXI (1948), pp. 114-119.
  18. Logika Matematyczna, Monografie Matematyczne, Vol. XVIII (1948), Warszawa-Wroclaw, xiii+338 pp.
  19. Un theoreme sur les nombres cos2kPi/n, Colloquium Mathematicum I(1948), pp. 195-196.
  20. Sur l'interpretation geometrique et topologique des notions logiques, Actes du X-eme Congres International de Philosophie (Amsterdam 11-18 Aout 1948) Amsterdam 1949, pp. 610-617.
  21. An undecidable arithmetical statement, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXVI (1949), pp. 143-164.
  22. (+ A. Tarski) Arithmetical classes and types of well-ordered systems, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 55 (1949), p. 65 (1192).
  23. (+ A. Tarski) Undecidability on the arithmetic of integers and in the theory of rings, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 14(1949), p. 76.
  24. La vie et l'oeuvre de S. Dickstein, Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne 47 (1949), pp. 7-12.
  25. Kilka refleksyj na temat zadan logicznyeh z "Matematyki", Matematyka 3 (1950), pp. 6-11.
  26. On the rules of proof in the pure functional calculus of the first order, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (1951), pp. 107-111.
  27. Some impredicative definitions in the axiomatic set theory, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXVII (1951), pp. 111-124. Correction: ibidem XXXVIII(1952), p. 238.
  28. A classification of logical systems, Studia Philosophica 4 (1951), pp. 237-274.
  29. (+ K. Kuratowski) Sur un probleme de la theorie des groupes et son rapport a la topologie, Colloquium Mathematicum II (1951), pp. 212-215.
  30. Groups connected with Boolean algebras, Colloquium Mathematicum II (1951), pp. 216-219.
  31. On direct product of theories, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (1952), pp. 1-31.
  32. On models of axiomatic systems, Fundamenta Mathematicae XXXIX (1952), pp. 133-158.
  33. (+ K. Kuratowski) Teoria Mnogosci, ix+311pp., Monografie Matematyczne XXVII, Warszawa-Wroclaw 1952.
  34. Sentences undecidable in formalized arithmetic, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam (1952), viii + 117 pp.
  35. A lemma concerning recursive functions and its applications, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences I (1953), pp. 277-280 (Kussion translation, ibidem, pp. 275-279).
  36. On a system of axioms which has no recursively enumerable arithmetic model,
  37. undamenta Mathematicae XL (1953), pp. 56-61.
  38. O tzw. konstruktywnych pogladach w dziedzinie podstaw matematyki, Mysl Filozoficzna 1 (7) (1953), pp. 230-241.
  39. (+ M. Stark) Algebra Wyzsza, Part I, biblioteka Matematyczna I 3, Warszawa 1953, vi + 308 pp.
  40. (+ H. Rasiowa) O geometrycznej interpretacji wyrazen logicznych, Studia Logica 1 (1952), pp. 254-275.
  41. (+A. Tarski and R. M. Robinson) Undecidable theories, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1953, ix + 98pp.
  42. (+ M. Stark) Algebra Wyzsza, Part II, Biblioteka Matematyczna III, Warszawa 1954, vi +173 pp.
  43. (+ M. Stark) Algebra Wyzsza, Part III, Biblioteka Matematyczna IV, Warszawa 1954, vi + 262 pp.
  44. Wspolczesny stan badan nad podstawami matematyki, Prace Matematyczne 1 (1954), pp. 13-55.
  45. Sovremennoje sostajanie issledovanij po osnovanijam matematiki, Uspekhi Matematiiceskih Nauk 9 (1954), pp. 1-38.
  46. Podstawy matematyki na VIII Zjezdzie Matematykcdw Polskich, Mysl Filozoficzna 2 (12) (1954), pp. 328-330.
  47. Development and applications of the "projective" classification of sets of integers, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Amsterdam 1954, Vol. 1, pp. 280-288.
  48. (in collaboration with A. Grzegorczyk et al.) The present state of investigations of the foundations of mathematics, Rozprawy Matematyczne (Dissertationes Mathematicae) IX (1955), pp. 1-48 (German translation: Die Haupterferate des 8. Polnischen Mathematikerlcongreses, Berlin 1954, pp. 11-44.
  49. A formula without recursively enumerable model, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLII (1955), pp. 125-140.
  50. Examples of sets definable by means of two and three quantifiers, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLII (1955), pp. 259-270.
  51. Contributions to the theory of definable sets of integers and functions, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLII (1955), pp. 271-275.
  52. (+ J. Los and H. Rasiowa) A proof of Herbrand's theorem, Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (1955), pp. 19-54.
  53. Eine Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von M. Deuring, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicorum (Szeged) XVI (1955), pp. 197-201.
  54. Wyznaczanie stopni niehtorych liczb algebraicznych, Prace Matematyczne 1 (1955), pp. 239-252.
  55. (+ M. Stark) Elementy Algebry Wyzszej, Biblioteka Matematyczna XVI, first edition, Warszawa 1958 (and further editions), 367 pp.
  56. (+ A. Ehrenfeucht) Models of axiomatic theories admitting automorphisms, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLIII (1956), pp. 50-68.
  57. Concerning a problem of H. Scholz, Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 2 (1956), pp. 210-214.
  58. On models of axiomatic set theory, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences (CL. Ill) IV (1956), pp. 663-668.
  59. Zamecanija k dokazatelstvam suscestvovanija standartnycli modelej, Trudy 3-go Vsesojuznogo Matematiceskogo Zjazda 1956, Vol. 4, Moskva AN SSSR 1959, pp. 232-236.
  60. Logika matematyczna na miedzynarodowym zjezdzie matematykow w Amsterdamie, Studia Logica IV (1956), pp. 245-253.
  61. L'oeuvre de J. Lukasiewicz dans le domaine de la logique mathematique, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLIV (1957), pp. 1-11.
  62. On a generalization of quantifiers, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLIV (1957), pp. 12-36.
  63. Computable sequences, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLIV (1957), pp. 37-51.
  64. On recursive models of formalized arithmetic, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des sciences math., astr. et phys. V (1957), pp. 706-718.
  65. (+ A. Grzegorczyk and Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski) The classical and $\omega$-complete arithmetic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1958), pp. 188-206.
  66. On a problem of W. Kinna and K. Wagner, Colloquium Mathematicum VI (1958), pp. 207-208.
  67. Quelques observations sur l'usage des methodes infinitistes dans la meta-mathematiques, 70 Colloquium du CNRS, Paris 1958, pp. 19-32.
  68. (+ Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski) Representability of sets in models of axiomatic theories, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1958), p. 458.
  69. (+ M. Stark) Algebra Liniowa, Biblioteka Matematyczna XIX, first edition, Warszawa 1958 (and further editions).
  70. On various degrees of constructivism, in Constructivity in mathematics, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1959. pp. 178-194.
  71. A class of models of second-order arithmetic, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des sciences math. astr. et phiys. VII (1959), pp. 401-404.
  72. Formal system of analysis based on an infinitary rule of proof, Proceedings of Warsaw Symposium on Infinitistic Methods, Warszawa-London 1960. pp. 141-166.
  73. A generalisation of the incompleteness theorem, Fundamenta Mathematicae XLIX (1961), pp. 205-232.
  74. An example of a non-axiomatizable many-valued logic, Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 7 (1961), pp. 72-76.
  75. Concerning the problem of axiomatizability of the field of real numbers in the weak second order logic. Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics, Jerusalem 1961, Magnes Press, pp. 269-286.
  76. (+ A. Grrzegorczyk and Cz. Ryll-Nardzewski) Definability of sets in models of axiomatic theories, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des sciences math. astr. et phys. IX (1961), pp. 163-167.
  77. (+ A. Ehrenfeucht) A compact space of models for 1st order theories, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des sciences math. astr. et phys. IX (1961), pp. 369-373.
  78. (+ J. Los and H. Rasiowa) Addition au travail "A proof of Herbrand theorem",
  79. ournal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (1961), pp. 129-134.
  80. Organizacja i prace naukowe Instytutu Matematyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Ksiega pamiatkowa dla uczczenia 140-lecia Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (1961).
  81. Axiomatizability of some many-valued predicate calculi, Fundamenta Mathematicae L (1961-1962), pp. 165-190.
  82. Representability of sets in formal systems, Proceedings of Symposium on Recursive Functions, New York 1961 (1962), pp. 29-48.
  83. A problem in the theory of models, Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des sciences math. astr. et phys. X (1962), pp. 121-126.
  84. On invariant, dual invariant and absolute properties of relations, Rozprawy Matematyczne (Dissertationes Mathematicae) XXIX (1962), pp. 1-38.
  85. L'espace des modeles d'une theorie formalisee et quelques - unes des applications, Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de L'Universite de Clermont 7 (1962), pp. 107-116.
  86. The Hilbert epsilon function in many-valued logics, Acta Philosophica Fennica 16 (1963), pp. 169-188.
  87. (+M. Stark) Introduction to Higher Algebra, Oxford-Warszawa 1963, 474 pp.
  88. Widerspruchsfreiheit und Unabhdngigkeit der Kontinuumhypothese, Elemente der Mathematik 19 (1964), pp. 121-125.
  89. Thirty years of foundational studies, Acta Philosophica Fennica 17 (1965), pp. 1-180.
  90. Models of Zermelo-Fraenkel set-theory satisfying the axiom of constructibility, Acta Philosophica Fennica 18 (1965), pp. 135-144.
  91. (+ K. Kuratowski) Teoria Mnogosci, second edition, completely revised, Monografie Matematyczne XXVII, Warszawa 1966, 375 pp.
  92. Modeles transitifs de la theorie des ensembles de Zermelo-Fraenkel, Universite de Montreal 1967, 170 pp.
  93. Recent results in set theory, in: Problems in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1967, pp. 82-96 and 105-108.
  94. O niektorych nowych wynikach metamatematycznych dotyczqcych teorii mnogosci, Studia Logica 20(1967), pp. 99-116.
  95. Tarski Alfred, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. by Paul Edwards, New York 1967, Vol. 8, pp. 77-81.
  96. (+K. Kuratowski) Set theory, (translated from the Polish second edition), Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam-Warszawa 1967, 417 pp.
  97. Craig Interpolation Theorem in some extended systems of logic, in: Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sciences III, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1968, pp. 87-103.
  98. Models of Set Theory, C.I.M.E. (Italy), 1968 (Lectures delivered in Varenna, September 1968), pp. 67-179.
  99. Niesprzecznosc i niezaleznosc hipotezy continuum, Wiadomosci Matematyczne 10 (1968), pp. 175-182.
  100. (+ Y. Suzuki) On $\omega$-models which are not $\beta$-models, Fundamenta Mathematicae LXV(1969), pp. 83-93.
  101. Constructible sets with applications, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1969, ix + 269 pp.
  102. (+ K. Kuratowski), Teorija mnozestv (in Russian), Moscow 1970, 416pp.
  103. Models of second order arithmetic with definable Skolem functions, Fundamenta Mathematicae LXXV (1972), pp. 223-234. + Correction ibidem LXXXIV (1974), p. 173.
  104. A transfinite sequence of $\omega$-models, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (1972), pp. 96-102.
  105. Sets, in: Scientific thought, Paris-Hague 1972, pp. 1-34.
  106. Matematyka a logika. Refleksje przy lekturze ksiazki A. Grzegorczyka "Zarys arytmetyki teoretycznej" wraz z proba, recenzji, Wiadomosci Matematyczne 15 (1972), pp. 79-89.
  107. Partial ordering of the family of co-models, Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IV, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Amsterdam 1973, pp. 13-28.
  108. A contribution to teratology, Izbrannye voprosy algebry i logiki, Novosibirsk 1973, pp. 184-196.
  109. Konstruktivnye mnozestva i ich prilozenije, Moscow 1973, 256 pp. (Russian translation of [99]).
  110. Some problems in the Axiomatic Theory of Classes, Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italiana 9 (1974), pp. 161-170.
  111. Observations concerning elementary extensions of $\omega$-models. I, Proceedings of AMS Symposia in Pure Mathematics 25 (1975), pp. 349-355.
  112. An exposition of forcing, Algebra and Logic, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 450 (1975), Springer-Verlag, pp. 220-282.
  113. (+ W. Marek) On extendability of the models of ZF set theory to the models of KM theory of classes, ISILC - Logic Conference, Proceedings of the International Summer Institute and Logic Colloquium, Kiel 1974, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 499, Springer-Verlag, pp. 460-542.
  114. A remark on models of the Godel-Bernays axioms for set-theory, preprint, Warsaw University, 1974.
  115. Travaux de W. Sierpinski sur la theorie des ensembles et ses applications. La theorie generale des ensembles. Introduction to: Waclaw Sierpinski, Oeuvres choisies, Vol. II, Warszawa 1975, pp. 9-13.
  116. (+ K. Kuratowski) Set theory, second revised edition, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 86, Amsterdam-Warszawa, 1976, xiv+ 514 pp.
  117. Refleksje na temat pewnego wykladu z historii matematyki. O nauczaniu historii nauki, pp. 231-243.
  118. Two remarks on the models of Morse' set theory, in: Memorial Tribute to A. Mostowski, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 537 (1976), Springer, pp. 13-21.
  119. Szkola a Uniwersytet, Wiadomosci Matematyczne XIX (1975), pp. 51-60.
  120. A remark on models of the Godel-Bernays axioms for set theory, Sets and Classes, edited by G. H. Muller, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 84, Amsterdam 1976, pp. 325-340.

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Studia Logica

An International Journal for Symbolic Logic
Published by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences