Welcome to the official web page of Studia Logica

The journal mission

In short

Studia Logica publishes papers employing formal tools from Mathematics and Logic. Additionally, empirical and philosophical considerations can be directed toward the formal properties of these systems. The scope of papers published in Studia Logica covers all scientific disciplines. The key criterion for acceptance of papers is not their topic but their method: they are required to contain significant and original results concerning formal systems and their properties. If you can make your research Mathematically precise, Studia Logica welcomes you to submit your paper. more...

Since 2003 Studia Logica organizes conference series Trends in Logic focussed to logical subject.

More information on previous conferencences you can find here. More information on next conference below:

Trends in Logic XXV: Non-Classical Approaches to Traditional Philosophical Problems will be held in Mexico City, 16–20 June 2025. More details at conference web-page.

last modfied 23.12.2024; designer and webmaster: Krzysztof Pszczola

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Studia Logica

An International Journal publishing papers in Logic and all applications of Formal Mathematical Methods
Published by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Springer