Call for Papers

Special Issue of Studia Logica
on Categorial grammars and pregroups

Guest editors: Wojciech Buszkowski and Anne Preller

Categorial grammars are formal grammars based on type logics, e.g. the reduction system of Ajdukiewicz and Bar-Hillel or some version of the Lambek calculus. Type logics belong to a wider family of substructural logics, including linear logics, relevant logics, certain systems of multiple-valued and fuzzy logics, and others. The special issue of Studia Logica "The Lambek calculus in logic and linguistics" (W. Buszkowski and M. Moortgat, eds., SL 71.3, 2002) was concerned with various current topics in this area.

Lambek (1999) introduced Compact Bilinear Logic (CBL) as a strengthening and simplification of Bilinear Logic (BL). BL is equivalent to the multiplicative fragment of Noncommutative Linear Logic of Abrusci (1991). CBL arises from BL by identifying times with par. Algebraic models of CBL are pregroups. Lambek (1999) proves a normalization theorem for proofs in CBL, which is equivalent to the cut-elimination theorem for a sequent system of CBL and yields a P-TIME decision procedure (Buszkowski 2003).

As a consequence of this theorem, sequences of types can be reduced to atomic types by means of a simple algebraic computation, using contractions and induced steps only. This makes grammars based on CBL a computationally attractive framework for natural language processing. Applications of CBL in linguistics are due to J. Lambek and other authors (see e.g. Proc. of the conference "Categorial Grammars. An efficient tool for Natural Language Processing", Montpellier, 2004).

The purpose of this issue is to present recent developments in this area, both theoretical results and linguistic applications. We invite papers on the following aspects of pregroup grammar: proof theory and models of CBL, extensions of CBL with modalities, additives and restricted structural rules, generative capacity and complexity of pregroup grammars, natural language processing by pregroups.

Invited authors: Denis Bechet, Nissim Francez, Joachim Lambek.

Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages (including bibliography), formatted according to the Studia Logica LaTex style (see Information for Authors). Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The authors should send an email with subject "Studia Logica Submission" to guest editors (, with the file of the paper as an attachment (in pdf format), and the following information in the body of the email in plain text: paper title, author names, email address and phone number of the contact author, a short abstract and up to five keywords.

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: November 30, 2006.

last modfied 12.08.2006; designer and webmaster: Krzysztof Pszczola

Studia Logica

An International Journal publishing papers in Logic and all applications of Formal Mathematical Methods
Published by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Springer